How Dangerous are Stonefish? (Can You Die if You Step on a Stonefish?)

Photo of stonefish blending into coral and sand

Here’s one fish that I’m glad I’ve never encountered in its natural habitat!  I’ve written this article in the hope that this information can help prevent accidental and potentially life-threatening encounters with the most venomous fish in the world. The Stonefish is the most venomous fish in the ocean and many people have died after … Read more

What to Do if You Encounter a Bullet Ant? (World’s Most Painful Stinging Insect!)

Bullet ant has the most painful sting of any insect!

I’ve always wanted to see a live bullet ant up close because of its reputation for having the most painful sting of any insect.  My opportunity occurred in Ecuador, while hiking with a guide through the Amazon rainforest.  Turned out the ants had us surrounded! If you encounter a bullet ant, be extremely careful not … Read more