Octopus Locomotion: Jet Propulsion, Crawling & Two-Legged Walking Explored

Octopus swimming

Among the multiple locomotion methods, the most notable are jet propulsion, crawling, and two-legged walking. Each mode of transportation serves a specific purpose and highlights the octopus’s ability to adjust to various situations. Key points about octopus locomotion: Jet propulsion enables the octopus to move at impressive speeds, which comes in handy when escaping potential … Read more

Can Octopuses Walk on Two Legs? Octopus Locomotion Explained

Octopus walking across sea floor

Yes, octopuses have been observed walking on two legs. Its called “bipedal locomotion.” I’m a biologist and I’ve written this article to dig deeper into this clever adaptation. I’ve also aimed to provide a comprehensive look at octopus locomotion. Octopuses walking on two legs can be fun to look at… and a bit mind-boggling! Check … Read more

Octopus Communication Unveiled: Unlocking Their Secret Language

Octopus with arms stretched wide

You might be surprised to learn that octopuses are way more communicative than we initially thought. Not only are they known for their intelligence and problem-solving skills, but they also have a unique and intricate way of communicating with one another. Octopuses can communicate through a combination of color changes, posture, skin texture, and locomotion, … Read more

Octopuses: the Most Intelligent Invertebrates on Earth

Cartoon octopus holding a wrench

Octopuses are among the most intelligent creatures on the planet, with unique abilities and behaviors that have left researchers scratching their heads. So, what makes them so special? It all starts with their brains. Octopuses have the largest brains of any invertebrate, with more neurons than a dog’s brain. This makes them capable of complex … Read more

Greenland Shark Lifespan: Earth’s Longest-Living Vertebrate

Greenland shark in dark ocean depths

The Greenland shark has recently gained attention due to its remarkably long lifespan. Known as the longest living vertebrate, these mysterious creatures can live for centuries, with some estimates suggesting they can live for 400 or 500 years! This incredible discovery has sparked the interest of scientists and shark enthusiasts alike, as understanding the keys … Read more

How Far Can Skunks Spray: Uncovering the Stinky Truth

Skunks are notorious for their pungent and infamous defense mechanism – their spray. These small, nocturnal creatures might look cute, but getting a dose of their unmistakable odor can definitely change your day – or month! And not for the better! Knowing how far a skunk can spray is essential for those who live in … Read more

Rat Communication: Unraveling the Mystery of Rodent Laughter

Believe it or not, rats have their own way of expressing emotions, including laughter. That’s right, these little critters can actually laugh, but it’s not quite the same cackle humans emit. Their laughter comes in the form of high-frequency 50-kilohertz ultrasonic calls or “chirps” that are distinct from other vocal emissions in rats, which humans … Read more

Octopus Suckers: 10 Fascinating Facts and the Latest Science

Octopus suckers

Here are the top 10 fascinating facts about octopus suckers: What Makes Octopus Suckers So Unique? Octopus suckers are some of the most fascinating and versatile tools in the animal kingdom. They allow the octopus to catch prey, avoid predators, and manipulate its environment in ways that are truly remarkable. Whether you’re a scientist, a … Read more